Greetings All,
This past Saturday, November 21, 2020, I took the MOS-200 certification exam, and I can officially announce that I passed the exam and I am certified in Microsoft Excel. Not only did I pass, but I proudly passed with the highest score thus far amongst those in my class who have taken the MOS-200. This is exciting because I also scored highest on MOS-100. Not that score matters since it is a pass or fail when one has their certification verified, but to know that I struggled so much with the formulas, had difficulty importing text and CSV files on my Mac and loaned college laptop, to countless hours of working on projects, this is a proud moment. I recall spending four hours trying to perfect one Excel project only to realize the issue wasn't a user error but a technological error. I am so happy that all my classmates who also took the exam during the same session also passed. Best of luck to all my other colleagues who will be taking on MOS-200 in the coming days. I am excited to tackle MOS-300 next and earned the coveted Microsoft Associate certificate and badge and receive a paper copy of the certificate from Microsoft!