Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Advice to Prepare for an Interview

Greetings to my loyal readers,  

Although I am not a hiring-professional (yet!), I do aspire to someday work in a Human Resource capacity. As we are preparing cover letters, resumes, and I believe we will be preparing LinkedIn pages soon, I have decided to assemble some interview tips for you all. You should also check out the hilarious video below on what NOT to do during an interview (source: YouTube).   

Before the interview, the applicant should invest their time in serious preparation by researching the company, preparing for common interview answers and understanding why you are the best candidate, plan to show up early, and plan to dress appropriately. During the interview, although you may be extremely nervous (understandably so, who wouldn’t be? Plus, you’re likely not the only one nervous), you want to ensure you are speaking confidently, clearly, and loudly enough so the interviewers can hear your answers. Maintaining eye contact with all the interviewers is essential, while also initiating the handshake with the secretary who brings you in to the interview and all the interviews is so important as it exemplifies a sign of respect, acknowledgement, professionalism. Throughout the interview, you should be actively listening and ask for clarification or follow up questions if you do not understand a question that is being asked. After the interview, exude your confidence and show your gratitude. Going as far as sending a thank you note is great and will certainly set you apart from other applicants. 

Video of what not to do during an interview link below: 

Bad Job Interview Clips: 


  1. Excellent advice and thank you for the YouTube video clips :-) I recognized some of the movies that contributed to the clips but not all of them.

  2. Thank you for the entertaining clip. I think my interviewing skills have gotten better from the first time I applied for a job, but I believe it comes down to experience and confidence. I have always been a hard worker, but I was also shy and timid which did not translate well in interviews.

  3. That video made my night. I always thought I was really good at interviews. I have always gotten a job that I really wanted because I did put in that effort of researching the company and making sure that the job qualifications were realistic for me.

  4. Thanks for the link to the video. Your tips are spot on and I'm glad to see you taking an interest in your future by preparing now on the things you may not cover in a classroom environment.

  5. Appreciate the interview advice, and I will make sure I use better interview techniques then the people in the video.

  6. These are some great tips for interviews. I have an assignment coming up where I have to be interviewed and this will definitely help. The video was entertaining.

  7. Thank you for the advise. I never been good at job interviews because I get too nervous. Next time if I have to go to a job interview I will use your advise.

  8. Great advice! An interview refresher is always great!!
