Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Memoir of Adrian's Writing

The power of writing is unlike any other. Writing saves lives. Writing allows for an escape from the real world. And ultimately, writing is a safe-haven where your thoughts and feelings can escape and flow freely. Not only has writing changed my life in so many ways, but it’s changed the way the world works and how people communicate with one another. Something that was so common before the technological advances of cellular devices and electronic messaging became present was writing letters. To communicate, people would write messages on cards and stationary and mail them out. While it is still possible for everyone to write these letters and mail them out, more commonly today, we lean towards e-mails, text messaging, and web browsers for discussion and forum boards as our primary source of communication that allows for immediate response and answers. I am excited to be partaking in an interactive medium such as blogging, another form of creative writing, so what better way to begin a blog than explaining my developments and admiration for writing.

As the majority of us all do, I learned to write in school. Although I did not construct a full essay, or rather short text until fifth grade; in elementary school, I began using a pencil during Kindergarten. Kindergarten was more so about learning how to memorize the alphabet and numbers. It was not until third grade when writing became more apparent. Third grade was the year where we began to have journal entries and free-write. Starting in fifth grade, I was assigned to write essays and write responses to news articles that we would pull from newspapers. Technology has also had an enormous impact on my early experiences of writing. When arriving in middle school, I was required to turn in final draft essays that were entirely typed. Although I was not the best writer during middle school with brainstorming and beginning my essays, I believe that my writing was comprehendible and followed the topics and guidelines.

Earl Motycka once said, “The biggest failure you can have in life is not trying at all.” Many people view writing as a difficult task, and some may even consider that writing is not for everyone, it’s a talent. I used to have the same mindset and perception of writing, but time has shown, and through personal experience, anyone is able to become a better writer. I used to believe that I would never succumb to improving my writing abilities, but after dedicating myself to this craft, I improved and impressed myself time after time with my writing capabilities.  I am terrible at math; however, I know that in order to succeed, I may need to spend more time studying than the average student, attend tutoring sessions, and give up time from other obligations to make sure I fully understand the concepts and all that is required to advance. I pushed myself to improve my writing. I may say that receiving all the negative feedback from past English teachers, and being told that my writing was “vague” and “ambiguous,” they impacted my writing in the sense that it gave me a reason and push to progress. I pushed myself to become a better writer. I knew that I had limitless potential, and with practice, I could improve my writing tremendously. I used those negatives, and turned it around and fueled my writing. I must say, had those few teachers, not all of them, actually worked with me, helped me, told me how I could improve my writing, and not just critique my work, but see my work for its effort, dedication to trying to perfect the writing of my essays (though there is no perfect essay), rather than just being told it “sucked,” I would have gladly acknowledged them as a reason for my improvements. Just like life, writing is a huge learning experience. You learn something new every day and the more you work at it, the more knowledge you gain. Furthermore, there is no perfect person or writer in life.

Moreover, rapid technological advancements that affect how we communicate are inevitable. When wanting to learn about new writing technologies, such as this Blogger platform, I tend to research and look for online resources that may help answer any questions or connections I need. It occasionally will get challenging and timely at times finding a credible source or finding what I was searching for. Usually, when a new technology device is released, it is highly publicized thanks to the power of the internet and mass media coverage. I am excited that in this course, we will explore blogging, a different form of writing. I will enjoy the ability to write (blog) where I may write about anything, as long or short as I want, and with the ability to asynchronously communicate with my colleagues (yes, we’re classmates, but saying ‘colleagues’ is more formal).

Here’s to a successful semester of blogging!


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Blog Post #2 - IS101


  1. "...give up time from other obligations to make sure I fully understand the concepts and all that is required to advance." exemplifies adulthood.

    There are only a fix number of hours in a day and where and how one chooses to spend them is the difference between advancement and stagnation.

    I am pleased to see A2 Blog gives you a stage to sharpen your writing skills :-)

  2. Once upon a time I used to love writing. I would always have a notebook/journal and pen with me. Then I had children, and although I didn't necessarily lose my love for writing, I stopped making time for it because I constantly feel like there are other, more pertinent things to do during my "free" time. Now, I will have to make time at least once a week to post my thoughts and feelings as well as comment on our colleagues blogs - which is a very challenging task for me >_<. Thank you for your insightful post on writing :)

  3. That was so lovely to read. I never considered myself a good writer but I do consider myself an amazing storyteller. If that makes any sense? I do need to sharpen my writing skills though especially when writing legal briefs. Thats when using all those amazing tools at my disposal will come in handy. As someone who has had a career in the arts I can say that it is always good for people to have a creative outlet and I'm glad that writing does that for you.

  4. Writing was never my strength growing up. I didn't learn how to write properly or quickly until I was forced too at UNLV and my job. Looking back on it, times were tough and things seemed impossible, but now I'm moving past my peers and writing so much has allowed me to be successful. You never really understand the importance of writing literacy until you have to give a formal evaluation and punishment; either way your writing skills can change someone's life and perception of them permanently.

  5. I love writing and agree that many people who struggle with writing can become better. It will take a lot of work, but it's possible. Blogging is new to me and I know it will enhance the way I write and communicate to others.

  6. Well written colleague! Writing is a heavily critic subject in education and is perceived to measure intelligence. Once upon a time writing received the same view points as our modern day technology, being inadequate for the evolution of the human brain.
    You brought back so many memories, the negative feedback that was received in english classes. Whatever does not kill us, makes us stronger. Hats off to you, taking that negative energy and turning it into fuel for success and it is plain to see!

  7. This was amazingly written! I myself write often as a creative outlet and I can really appreciate your own desire to continue strengthening your skills. My writing is mostly poetic or inner monologues about life haha, but doing so often helps me clarify problems or situations. I hope this assignments serves as the outlet you're looking forward for it to be!

  8. Writing is such a powerful gift to have in life and is truly an art form within itself. It's the connection between writing and reading that creates wonders really. Just like a buyer viewing an art piece, the beauty of writing is that it gives the reader the opportunity to draw within themselves a new perspective of life. It engages the chatter of interpretations with others and allows an open access to someones psych when a piece they are reading resonates deeply. Very lovely writing Adrian :)

  9. I wish I can write as good as you. Writing is my weak subject, I keep trying maybe some day I will get better.

  10. Writing is one of those things that everyone can connect through. It plays an important role in society. This skill is totally something people can refine.
